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Showing posts from 2019

[Booklist] Books I have read in 2019

Hello friends, Since it's December and everyone starts to wrap up what they have done this year. Same for me, I wanted to make a list of the books that have read in 2019. Maybe a few books I am not remembering their names so did not include here. Maybe you can refer to these lists and grab any of the book you like from below. (I have not written any reviews about them by myself but only a few!) TO DO in 2019 These are the books that have read from Jan/2019 till today (still reading...). Ebooks: 1. The power of habit by Charles Duhigg 2. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight 3. Start with why by Simon Sinek 4. The Zahir by Paulo Coelho 5. Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley 6. Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer 7. Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck by Tsun Yan Hsiek, Richard Harrington, Anthony Tjan Hardcopy books (physical): 1. The lean startup by Eric Ries 2. The subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson 3. Built to last by Collins & Porras Hardcopy boo...

[Миний бодол] 25 нас хүрээд хамгийн ихээр ойлгож авсан 25 зүйлс

Сайн байцгаана уу, Миний блогыг уншдаг хүн бүр маш сайн байгаа гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна. 25 нас хүрээд заавал өөрт хамгийн чухал гэсэн мөн ойлгож авсан 25 зүйлсээ бичих юмсан гэж бодсоор, бага багаар тэмдэглэж явж байгаад өнөөдөр ийнхүү цэгцлээд блогтоо нийтэлж байна. :)   Эдгээр бичсэн зүйлс минь хувь хүний үзэл бодол, уншсан сурсан түүнчлэн бяцхан ч гэсэн амьдралын минь туршлага дээр үндэслэгдсэн билээ. Хүн бүр авь адилхан бодол санаатай бус тул гоё эерэгээр уншаад авах гээхийн ухаанаар хандаарай. :) За ингээд 25 нас хүрээд ойлгож авсан хамгийн чухал 25 зүйлсээ хүргэе. 25 things that I understand by the age of 25 1. Гэр бүл хамгийн үнэтэй.  Миний бодлоор гэр бүл бол энэ дэлхий дээрх бидэнд хамгийн үнэнч хүмүүсийн нэгдэл байх. Тэд хэзээ ч биднийг орхихгүй, бидний төлөө юугаа ч өгөхөд бэлэн. Хамгийн муухай аашаа гаргасан ч тэд л хэсэг хормын дараа юу ч болоогүй юм шиг инээдэг тийм л сайхан хүмүүс.   2. Дурсамж бүртээ талархах. Чамд үнэхээр гоё ду...

How do I feel about solo trip? Any tips or takeaways that I can suggest.. [Part 2]

Hello friends, This post is part 2 of my thoughts for solo-trip and going to provide some advice for your future trip. If you have not read part 1, please go to this link  to read Part 1 . My thoughts of solo trip... Before going for any trip, we do plan our schedule such as how many days we'd like to stay in particular places and what to do, what to eat, etc., This is a planning stage of the trip. After planning and booking our air tickets, and hotels, suddenly date reaches a week before boarding! And some people really get excited about their trip, some wonder what to prepare, just questioning many things and posting a lot (like a lot and too basic) of questions on social media and prepare in a very short time. Sometimes it really fits and sometimes does not. That's why the memories they get really differ. However, today I want to share what kind of things you really should prepare before going to the airport. And those suggestions or advice are really based on m...

How do I feel about solo trip? Any tips or takeaways that I can suggest.. [Part 1]

Hello, my friends It's been a while I have not posted anything! I am pretty sure that all of you doing great and having amazing time :). As a few of my friends requested I wanted to share my solo trip experiences, and what do I feel about it. Of course, I want to advice good tips or something that you can take it for your future trips. My thoughts of solo trip... Alright, here are my thoughts about " Solo-trip ". The very first thing is "it is somehow challenging so be ready for any situation ". Sometimes the trip is not going to be awesome as you have expected or imagined. You maybe have thought deep inside your mind that you're going to take an amazing photo of yourself with the destination and having no problem while traveling. But all arise when the time you have arrived at the airport. Taxi drivers try to talk to you not only address you want to be reached also where you from, who are you with, whether your friends are here etc., (if you a...

Embrace your success: Motivation for you

Dear friends, I am doing great since I have posted last time, I hope all of you staying energetic. Today is quite special, I want to motivate you guys for overcoming your setbacks and embracing your success. Recently I read a book titled "Seven spiritual law of Success" by Deepak Chopra. It is a kind of practical guide, so I did not overwhelmed of the contents, and it does not include any religous facts or related material to confuse. So quite easy reading and applicable in real life situation. (That is the reason I am writing and sharing with you guys)  Mind, spirit and body are 3 main components of reality that people could feel pureness and relax fully. So to prepare your mind fully organized: first thing to do is to practice silence. In silence, your whole mind gets relax and focused on a single matter. That is why most successful people do meditation, for organizing their thoughts and make their mind fully in a rest. Then, after getting full mind relaxin...

How did I learn Japanese kanjis in a week?

Started liking to make such quotes with an image Dear friends, A long time later I am updating my blog! As I live in Japan, today would like to share how I gain big interest in learning Japanese kanji, in other words it's Japanese characters, are words. Most people really freak out studying kanjis, because simply it looks very difficult to memorize, write and its pronunciation also hard to get. But if you know many kanjis, Japan is really great place for living. Let's start kanji study more deeply. 1. Don't freak out, instead interest it If you ever learning Japanese, you must have heard many people saying "Ohh I really don't like studying kanjis, it's too difficult" . Then you may started thinking the same as them. But here I am encouraging you to "Do not freak out" , instead think in a good way that you are interested in things which many people don't like. And try to make your kanji study in an interesting way. Maybe you...

[Personal advice] How to find a mentor near you

Hello my friends, Since many of us want to discuss their career and future plan with someone who has a certain experience of what we want to be. Simply, we want to find a mentor who can help or guide us throughout our career, life journey and appreciate what all we have achieved. Based on a personal development book and some my role model's website which I have read before,  I will provide a little [Personal advice] of how to find a supportive mentor whose work style fits your future career and life. Before giving you an advice, I want to claim that followings are what I have understood from the books and I also apply them in my life too. How often do you discuss your career or future plan with someone you believe the most? But many people think that a mentor is someone who is over successful and proved his achievement; difficult to engage with or talk with. In a real life, it's a quite different, a mentor could be your peer (colleague), direct manager, teacher...

Hello 2019! All great things start from January '19

Hello, my friends After new year, I really wanted to update my blog, but so many good things happened in my life just starting of January. I hope all my friends said goodbye to 2018 happily, me either was really grateful all beautiful things had happened in last year. I am sure that all of you have written some plans for upcoming months and achieve those goals accordingly. So today I'd like to encourage you to dream BIG for this year and expand your friend zone effectively. Since January is almost going to end, you should ask a single question from yourself. What I have done in this month?  Your answer can be anything, but I meant that the   answer should be related to your near future or dream. If your answer is different from what I meant, sorry you maybe in wrong direction. To change your direction which lead to your planned future or dream, you should sit down for a while and think, and ask another question. Where I meant to go? Now I hope yo...