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How did I learn Japanese kanjis in a week?

Started liking to make such quotes with an image

Dear friends,

A long time later I am updating my blog!

As I live in Japan, today would like to share how I gain big interest in learning Japanese kanji, in other words it's Japanese characters, are words.

Most people really freak out studying kanjis, because simply it looks very difficult to memorize, write and its pronunciation also hard to get. But if you know many kanjis, Japan is really great place for living.

Let's start kanji study more deeply.

1. Don't freak out, instead interest it

If you ever learning Japanese, you must have heard many people saying "Ohh I really don't like studying kanjis, it's too difficult". Then you may started thinking the same as them. But here I am encouraging you to "Do not freak out", instead think in a good way that you are interested in things which many people don't like. And try to make your kanji study in an interesting way. Maybe you can courage yourself that "I am started liking to study one of difficult language after Chinese".

2. Study smarter not harder

 My friends, studying smarter is a way better than studying very hard. I agree that if you study really hard, you can achieve all your target, but not as efficient as smarter way.
What I mean by "smarter way" is "Use your brain, especially imagination and humour". When people memorize something using their imagination and humour, mostly 8 out of 10 things could be recalled instantly.  (I did it many times, could recall things most of the time)
Now, I will explain how I memorize kanji as an example.

Let's say we need to study 湯 kanji.
First look, seems like difficult as it includes many strikes.
In this memorizing, we can use our already known kanjis and making funny story and get meaning of the kanji.

Let's divide 湯 this kanji into smaller parts then we can memorize easier.
日 (Sunday or a day)+ 豚 (pig)+ 池(pond)

At first, we can see that 3 water drop type of character is there. We can guess that looks like water, similar kanji is 池(pond). (Taking only 3 water drop type of ...)
Next, we can see that 日 (Sunday or a day) kanji is at a top.  Down that kanji which looks little bit similar to 豚 (pig). (Taking only last part of it ...)

Now we can make a funny story using a combination of above already learnt similar kanjis.
Funny story: On sunday, cooked a pig in the hot water pond and ate it.

If the story is unusual and fantasy, more easier to recall. From above funny story we can remember that this kanji means hot water.

3. Consistency is the key

When learning something, consistency is the key which makes improvement. Same goes with learning kanjis too.
Try to make funny stories as much as possible and enjoy!

For me, I really had huge interest on learning kanjis from the beginning, so learnt using "smart way", memorized ~>150 kanjis (about half N4 level) in a week and tested (recalled the meaning) all the studied kanjis. 

So if you like to study explained way, we can memorize many of things not only kanjis!

Best of luck all,

Finally I will finish this blog by famous quote.
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
William Arthur Ward
You are always welcome to share your thoughts and ideas. :)


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