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[Personal advice] How to find a mentor near you

Hello my friends,

Since many of us want to discuss their career and future plan with someone who has a certain experience of what we want to be. Simply, we want to find a mentor who can help or guide us throughout our career, life journey and appreciate what all we have achieved.

Based on a personal development book and some my role model's website which I have read before,  I will provide a little [Personal advice] of how to find a supportive mentor whose work style fits your future career and life.

Before giving you an advice, I want to claim that followings are what I have understood from the books and I also apply them in my life too.

How often do you discuss your career or future plan with someone you believe the most?
But many people think that a mentor is someone who is over successful and proved his achievement; difficult to engage with or talk with.

In a real life, it's a quite different, a mentor could be your peer (colleague), direct manager, teacher, leader etc.,

Because mostly mentor and mentee relation happen organically, purely based on interest in each other, not like one successful leader will become another's life mentor forcefully. That's why a closer people that you engage within your office, university, work really become a great mentor.

But how to differentiate, the ones near you is your lifetime guide, well...

A mentor is someone who can help you out in a difficult situation with full of care and lead you in a bright future; really wants to see your success and appreciate; who is very welcome to analyze your current situation gives advice accordingly; who can be your lifetime friend.

Once you talked with many people maybe from your office, meetup, community and feel like "Alright, I want to discuss with her/him about career or future plan", "I can listen and apply her/his advice " then first engage very fundamental connection.

No need to ask directly, "Will you become my mentor?".
Because both side not sure whether their work style or personality, interests fit each other. Instead, have a basic conversation, try to get that whether you can listen to him or not. If you are sure, can ask his/her contacts such as email, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter etc,.

Next time, try to find her/his free time during lunch or dinner time, keep the communication very natural and unforceful. When both sides have a real intention of interest each other, then little by little discuss your plan or idea, receive their advice or feedback. And apply it if it's necessary, later let the advisor know how it affected well in your life.

Don't forget to show your gratitude him/her once you have achieved your goal :).

Alright, best wishes for seeking a lifetime mentor!



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