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A Full Daytrip from Saigon to Cu Chi Tunnel & Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hi Friends,

I hope all you doing great! :)

This time I have been a day trip (was awesome :) ), the destination is quite close to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and one of the tourist attraction place, Cu Chi Tunnel and Mekong Delta cruize area.

Cu Chi Tunnel and Mekong Delta are located Southern part of Vietnam. Now I will describe the places more in detail with respected photos.

Cu Chi Tunnel

(Pronounced as Qu Chi Tunnel)

Vietnam War is one of the longest lasted war, nearly 19 years. During that time, Vietnamese army soldiers applied a lot of techniques that could bring victory for Vietnam. One of the techniques which they applied was "Attack during the night time while American soldiers haven't guessed".
To accomplish that Vietnamese soldiers built "Underground tunnel which is about 120km long". Vietnamese soldiers had been hidden there night time and started open a fire to Americans.
The tunnel is very complex, easy to get lost. Also, the size of it is very small, only Vietnamese soldiers can fit during that time as Americans are tall and well shaped, could not fit the tunnel gate.

Entrance to Cu Chi tunnel inHCMC
Tunnel entrance gate to go deeper

Entrance of Cu CHi tunnel
This stair will lead the heart of the Tunnel
The tunnel was soo small, for me, I almost crawled like a toddler to move forward. :P
Since there is no window or any chance to air circulation, very suffocating environment.
In the tunnel, I was walked or crawled 60metres and requested a leader to lead me to the exit gate from the tunnel. A bit tiring, still made good memory(experience) after trying out and felt very deeply respect towards Vietnam army, how the Vietnamese soldiers fought against Americans in this condition. Of course, the main (the first) purpose for them was definitely "Victory" that's why soldiers tolerated these difficulties. :)

During the Cu Chi Tunnel visit, I felt very deeply how the people really wanted the Peace, for that ready to do everything. Most importantly, the strategy of the fight and soldiers indefinite strength and effort were priceless.

Mekong Delta

A small town where surrounded by rivers and islands. Great place to explore local people daily lives.
Very beautiful, quiet and calm place, that kept a rich culture of South Vietnam.

If you want to explore and deeply feel how the local lives, this would be a good destination btw. :)

Mekong delta view
Typical tropical view
Full of greenery and many tropical trees and fruits there.

Mekong delta view
A must Mekong delta bout trip, the greenery is water coconut tree

A Water Coconut Tree is very famous in this place and a lot of coconuts made products are from here only. Coconut candy, coconut oil ...
Boat trip in Mekong delta
Our boat
The environment here is very peaceful, calm. Personally, I really like it and many tourists were here.
Another good reason to explore South Vietnam more and more! :)
Mekong delta and Water coconut tree grow in Mekong river
The water looked a bit muddy color

Way to go Mekong village
The last point sent me back home
Finally, my day trip is ended in this place. The water level was a bit up since the Raining season has already started. Almost everyday raining here, so the mud and water combination made this type of watercolor. 

That's all my friends :) Thank you. 

P.S: For photos, all credits will go to me. 

I am always motivated by you guys because you are the best reader! :)

Keep exploring and Enjoy your day! :)



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