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[Book Review & Reflection] The Diary of Anne Frank

Hello friends,

It's been already 3 months after New Year, all I can remember is just after NY celebration, I went to Niigata prefecture for two days for skiing. It was my first time visiting Niigata area, so everything was new and had great memories, also tasted some good authentic noodles.

After returning from this short trip, got pretty busy with my work, and finished reading a few great books, one of those is "The Diary of Anne Frank". While reading the book, I've noted down some good points and takeaways that I really want to share and discuss with you guys. However, managing the time and producing a good article does take time.

Alright, let's find out what are the reflections and great points of the book. Just before that, I want to give very basic background info of the author and the situation when the book is written.

A quote from The Diary of Anne Frank

Who is Anne Frank?

Anne Frank is a German-born Dutch-Jewish diarist who'd written her life in hiding from the Nazis during WWII (1942-1944) in her diary. Her diary was written in a very sweet and lovely language (feeling) that gives hope and faith in the future. 

Perhaps one of the reasons why this book gains so much popularity is simply it just showed the reality of the time of WWII, how Jewish people were treated, how her family was able to hide in a building without exaggeration but with only feeling and words.

Her dairy was found after her death and was given to her dad for further investigation and later it was published.

Review  & Reflection: The Diary of Anne Frank

When the time she started writing her daily life-style in her diary was from the age of 13 and it continued till the age of 15. Hence it was written in soft, lovely styled as the author was in her teenage years.

In this review & reflection section, I think it is better to focus on my own points and takeaways since anyone can find the book and read. The main reason for this section is to reflect and question, discuss, review the book.


  • Teenage life, teenage opinion
  • World, global view
  • Finding the passion
  • Despite having the war, poverty, and craziness what would I do if was locked in my house for 2 yrs
  • Strong belief in something


  • Teenagers voice should be always reached out
  • Sharing and discussing is always important
  • Listening is the key to any communication with anyone
  • Life is precious, respect and love it
  • Staying close and being open to the loved ones
  • We're living in the best phase of all times
  • Never lose hope and belief
    As I wanted to keep it kind of open-ended section which might give you an opportunity to reflect those points by yourself.  I will end up this section attaching my favorite quotes from the book.

    My favorite quotes from The Diary of Anne Frank:

    - For in its innermost depths youth is lonelier than old age
    - He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!
    - I've found that there is always some beauty left -in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can help you. Look at these things, then you find yourself again, and God, and then you regain your balance.
    - I must be quiet, I shall remain strong and with a bit of patience the other will come too.
    - ... and whoever is happy, will make others happy too.





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