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Showing posts from 2020

[Book Review & Reflection] The Diary of Anne Frank

Hello friends, It's been already 3 months after New Year, all I can remember is just after NY celebration, I went to Niigata prefecture for two days for skiing. It was my first time visiting Niigata area, so everything was new and had great memories, also tasted some good authentic noodles. After returning from this short trip, got pretty busy with my work, and finished reading a few great books, one of those is "The Diary of Anne Frank". While reading the book, I've noted down some good points and takeaways that I really want to share and discuss with you guys. However, managing the time and producing a good article does take time. Alright, let's find out what are the reflections and great points of the book. Just before that, I want to give very basic background info of the author and the situation when the book is written. A quote from The Diary of Anne Frank Who is Anne Frank? Anne Frank is a German-born Dutch-Jewish diarist who'd w...

Why you should know about your personality and why does it matter?

Hi friends, Today's post is related to a kind of self-reflection and psychology. I assure it won't be a boring one :). Personality is something that defines your true character and it really carves the way you look at the world. Personally, I am not that much fond of such personality and character-related subjects. However, during the mission of the "self-exploring" process, I've read about an article that describes the way we behave, think and react it really deeply connected to our personality, and that shapes the current ourselves. Then it just opened another door for me to look around and find out what does it mean. Surely we agree that every one of us is special, gifted and different but we are not sure exactly what does that certain thing really makes a big difference between us. Those questions and thoughts seemed interesting to me and I've started reading about personality factors. Many such kinds of classification studies have done on this ...

[Personal opinion] Most important 25 things that I understand by the age of 25

Hello, my friends I hope every one of you doing great! It's been for some time that I really wanted to write down about the most important 25 things that I understand when turning 25 years old. Have been writing a few drafts, today I just combined them and publishing it on my blog. This writing is only based on my personal experiences, books I read, and thoughts and self-reflections. Also tried to write it in my own words, so please take it well. :) As you know, each individual has their own way of thinking and life perspective, so I'd like to request rather take those writings as positively and if something useful, go ahead and try on yourself. :) Alright, here are the most important 25 things that I really understand by the age of 25. 1. Family is the most precious. I think family is the most loyal group of people to us. They never forget or leave us, only thing they give to us is themselves.  Even though we behave rudely or selfish and even to fight with the...