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Power of Happy Thoughts

Hello my friends,

Today I am going to share with you guys about "Power of happy thoughts". Every morning when you wake up, please say to yourself 

"What a good day!", "This is my day!", "My life is precious

or similar words which can motivate (sharpen) you in whole day.

I am sure that most of you know how the thoughts impact our lives. You may already read from "Secret" and "Law of Success" books.
Everybody knows that whatever we think in our brain, the result will be transmitted by those thoughts either "Good" or "Bad".
We attract what we think.
But why do we sometimes disappointed, feel sad or even talk rubbish things about people or something? Why can't we stop thinking bad things or feeling? Have you ever tried to change yourself and ended up with no success?

Most of us say these words everyday without consciousness. "it is very difficult to get job", "I don't like my job", "I am looking very fat", "My parents (family) don't understand me", "I can't do this ", "I don't know how to do", "He/She doesn't love me", "I am dumb" and more ....

Please ask yourself once "Why do I think like this?" and if you want to change yourself in a positive way, please read it till the end.
Thoughts are your power.
You have the power to change your thoughts and beliefs. 
When we think about something, the result is based on those thoughts. But whenever we tried to change ourselves from the dark to bright, it becomes harder and we feel more difficulties and the end choose to give up. Yet we have a solution to change it into better. 

To stop thinking bad or talk about bad things about people, it depends on our perspective. If you really willing to change yourself, please first change your bad thoughts into happy (positive) thoughts.
For example: If you are gaining weight, instead of saying "I look very fat like piggy", should say "Soon I will get my own figure, only I need time and effort ". This thought will help to stay in better condition and give hope and faith on yourself.
But to think in positive way in most situations may need efforts from your side. Because 
We are the result of our habits.  
From now onward please try to make a habit of happy thoughts. When you think about yourself, family, friends even strangers, always try to find their good side and praise it. When you give something good in people's life, you will get same in some other day.  
I'll introduce you few techniques which help you to think positively.

  • Law of Focus
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.
Most of us usually think what we don't want and finally by natural rule, we get something which we really don't like and feel bad. Stop thinking like this and try to reduce number of negative words you are saying.

From now only focus on what you disparately want and really need. Once we think in such way, negative thoughts will leave us slowly.

  • Law of Abundance
You have everything. Your mom and family gave everything what you need. But still you feel like half empty or not satisfied anything? Please think once why do you think such things? What is going wrong with you?
You should be happy.. Because your mom is with you, your loved ones' with you, everything.... Smart phone, University, Clothes .... Everything. You have young age and young blood, such a big dream to achieve, rich health. But why? Just not to focus on what you don't want. 
Be realistic and try to give good thoughts to your closer people, Praise them. If you can do something for them, do it without doubts. Later You will be filled by LOVE and RESPECT.
Don't be so materialistic, abundance is something you have more than 100%. (I am not talking any material based things or financial ) Maybe your LOVE towards your family. 
Maybe your ENERGY.
Maybe your BIG DREAM.
  • Law of Reflection

You are the reflection of your behaviour and thoughts. When you start doing something good on people's life without expecting any return, it reflects in future. If you do something bad on somebody, somehow you feel same thing in future. Like this natural law, be reflect your life in positive and good way.
May somebody will learn from you!
The world is reflection of your thoughts. 
At the end, again I request you to apply those simple techniques to follow for your happiness thoughts. After some time, you will become happier and successful than our older version.
Tool for master thoughts:
Everyday when you wake up or at least 3 times a day, repeat your own affirmative sentences.
Some sample sentences I provided for you.
I am programmed for the best.
Everything is perfect and fine in my world.
I accept and express the Joy of Life.
I have everything what I need.
I am my own supporter.
 But keep in your mind, these affirmative sentences should be always positive! Then it turns into happy life.

Start from yourself, your behaviour will reflect someone's life. 
Never lose your "Happy Hat" that will keep you positive and happy. 
Hold on your "Happy Hat" during any stormy circumstances. 

Thank you my friends, you are always welcome to share your thoughts with me. Write comments and please give me nice feedback.



  1. Hloo madam i hope u have complete idea about blogging will u solve my prblm in creating blog


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